Set Your Communication Plan Before Any Leadership Transition
As the summer winds down, schools are reaching out to families with information about the new school year. Communication is critical to a successful transition from one grade to another. It is also critical when an executive is transitioning.
Things to consider when creating a plan:
Who develops the talking points?
Who contacts whom?
When and in what order?
By what method?
How often do we communicate?
How do you access the up-to-date list of contact information?
Poor communications can have serious consequences. A big funder does not want to hear about a transition from another donor. A board member doesn’t want to read about it in the newspaper. With the speed of technology, it doesn’t take long for things to spin out of control.
In our Succession Planning Tool Kit, Clarity Transitions has a Communications Template to help develop that successful strategy that will keep your organization’s mission on track!