You Can Still be in Love and Have a Succession Plan
We’ve seen a lot of organizations hesitate about creating a succession plan — both CEOs and boards are afraid that succession planning signals a desire to break up. But our post-Valentine’s message to you is that succession planning isn’t about breaking up.
A leadership transition has the potential for hiccups or worse, but when managed effectively, a transition can maintain and even strengthen an organization, especially if planned for before the change happens.
Succession planning is about reaching consensus and making decisions on how to handle the change, defining roles and responsibilities during a leadership transition, and making sure you have all the information you’ll need when the time comes. Succession planning is not the appointment of the next leader. Instead, it ensures the continuous coverage of a CEO’s duties critical to the ongoing operations of the organization.
So grab some discount chocolate and bring to your next board discussion to sweeten up your succession planning discussion!