Hey Board Member – Your ED is Leaving!
A board member’s most dreaded phone call may be the one saying that the ED is leaving.
Wouldn’t you like to immediately have the confidence to know that:
A temporary leader has been designated for day-to-day operations, they’re prepared for that role, and they know how their regular work will be covered.
A prioritized communication ladder is ready to go so that people served, staff, and funders know that the change is being handled well.
The board knows the steps and roles to begin a thoughtful transition process that focuses first on the best way to deliver the mission and then on finding the next best leader.
The temporary leader and board have access to organized, critical organizational information.
Organizational leadership is ready – cross-trained with skills and competencies linked to mission.
Succession planning gives you this confidence. Succession planning strengthens an organization by proactively preparing people & policies for a transition that will occur at some future point -whether on your watch or another. Succession planning is simply good governance.
Overall, succession planning is not hard or expensive. A board and ED can develop an Emergency Succession Plan and Succession Policies in a short series of taskforce meetings. Once plans and policies are in place, any operational issues related to succession can be addressed. At a minimum, healthy succession includes ongoing development for staff and board.
Are you ready for succession? Download our free Readiness Assessment to see where you stand.