How High Should a Board Fly?

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No one volunteers to serve as a Board member without the intent to bring something positive to that organization. At Clarity Transitions, we often find that Board members struggle with the balance between the need for big picture perspectives and ensuring organizational viability. Should Boards be at the 20,000 foot level for planning purposes or on the ground for finances and program outcomes. The answer is yes. The most effective Boards are able to focus on vision and strategy, while requiring fiscal and programmatic transparency.

To achieve the right balance, boards and CEOs must create a meeting environment that encourages inquiry. McKinsey and Company recommends that all Board members ask the following on a regular basis:

  • Are we succumbing to mission creep?

  • How is our ‘theory of change’ informing our strategy?

  • How are we evaluating our impact?

  • Do we have the right ‘fuel’ to drive our organization?

Another great resource for Boards and CEO’s in promoting healthy Boards is Board engagement and organizational transparency are essential for success!


A Culture of Shared Leadership?


Spring Forward