Take the Online Test: Is Your Organization Ready for Succession?

Summer is here! Your board has probably had its Annual Meeting recently when you’ve celebrated the accomplishments of the last year. Things have calmed down slightly and you are grateful for a brief respite before the “new year” begins in earnest in the fall. This is the perfect time to begin succession planning.

June 2017 working on the beach.png

To start, we encourage you to use our Succession Planning Readiness Assessment Tool to determine what you already have in place and what needs to be done. Then, over the summer, you have time to think about how you and your board will address the gaps when the board reconvenes in September.  One more thing to check off your list of “things to do”. You’ll be glad you did! 


Blue Avocado: Twelve Ways to Get a New Executive Director Off on the Right Foot


You’ll Enjoy that Beach Drink More if You Know What Comes Next – or – Succession Planning is Good Governance.